Thursday, July 15, 2010

Too darn hot

It is so hot and we have no air conditioning and our house is like "The Long Hot Summer."

I am like Pennario's old flame Liz Taylor in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof."

I woke in the night and it was so hot it was unbelievable. I got up and stood in front of the fan. We have a window fan. I turned this way and that. Howard was asleep, on his side, shirtless, sweating. I should get him a wife beater to wear so it completes his Stanley Kowalski look.

I went back to bed and slept OK. But the oscillating fans, pictured above, that I saw at last weekend's estate sale haunted my dreams. I should have bought one!

You have to keep your sense of humor in these situations. Another thing that is funny is when it gets this hot, you do not particularly want to share the bed with anyone. So Howard sleeps on one edge and I sleep on the other. The other night I was so close to my edge I almost fell out of bed. That has not happened since I was 6!

There is more to say on this subject but I cannot write any more.

It is too darn hot!


Prof G. said...

You can't have my post WW II Wizard fan!!

Anonymous said...

So, when are you and Howard going to do some basic maintenance on your neighbor's home? It looks like a dump and the garage is almost falling down. One more loud party might topple it. Perhaps if you spent a little less time at Big Blue and helped me out, my place on Tillinghast might not look so bad. If you can handle two houses maybe you should buy three; next to yours, my home look's so shabby!

July 16, 2010 11:25 AM

Larry said...

No A/C? I cannot even imagine. Of course down here on the Virginia coast, temps of 100F and better along with humidity of 95% are not uncommon. Mine is set on 77F and never touched, lol. Good luck! :)