Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Baking Bad

I am appalled at my appliances.

Remember when my Bosch stove went kaput? Who could forget it? It was Aug. 8, 2012. And I had bought the stove only two years before that.

Now it is kaput again! Das Bosch ist kaput!! Again it is the oven.

What, is this going to keep happening every two or three years?

It has me angry. And it got me thinking about when the fridge kicked after just a couple of months.

What is with our appliances?

I cannot help thinking of my mom and her old gas stove. We got that stove when I was a tween and we had it for decades, as a matter of fact my brother and his family still have it and cook on it every night. Never, ever, do I remember a repairman being summoned for that stove and believe me, I cooked on it over the years hundreds of times. All those posts I wrote about cooking for my mom, I was cooking on that stove.

This stupid Bosch, I have had it barely five years and here I am having to eat a second repair bill. I am supposed to be eating some yummy pie or something and here I am eating this bill.

These are the wages of all these extra electronic settings. Instead of being simple and good and elegant like the piano playing of Leonard Pennario it is like those lesser pianists who try to get all fancy and reinvent the wheel.

This has all got me so disgusted that I just want to cook in the fireplace. I would be better off doing that, you know? Like the woman in the top picture. It is from the website of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum. Of course I have been there, hasn't everyone?

This gal has it right, too.

Fie on the Bosch.

It is bosh!


  1. as a bachelor, bought a used GE gas four burner w/oven for $150. a free Whirlpool fridge from social services along with a free wall furnace and free window A/C...all appliances running just fine.

  2. Sorry to hear about this. I have had the same fridge and the same stove and the same microwave for the last twenty years. They are running fine. My car of choice - even though I have a fancy late model car - is a 1985 Toyota. My motto: If it ain't broken, don't fix it. I still wear clothes from fifteen years ago - of course, I don't wear them that often. I see the irony in your title. I like your reference to some piano players - so true.

  3. Violinhunter, thanks for agreeing with me on the pianists! And for the sympathy. And what you said about your cars has a funny relevance.. Howard said to me about the stove, it's like having a Ferrari, more things are going to break than if you had a cheaper car. I just don't like that it happened twice in five years. Anyway thank you for the sympathy and the insights!

  4. Sweetwalter P., that GE sounds great! Congratulations on your appliance acumen!
