Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Everything's coming up roses

It was Howard's and my anniversary! We have been married eight years. When I went to see Leonard it was only three years.

"It doesn't feel that long," Howard said.

"Correct comment," I said.

Howard brought me roses! He came home with them the night before and completely startled me. We are not a flowers couple where every day someone is coming home with flowers. That is just not us.

Although we were agreeing that we would like more fresh flowers in the house. (As opposed to old flowers that kick around for weeks.)

Next summer perhaps I will amp up my flower ambitions and grow them in between the bishop's weed and the runaway mint.

I shall have a cutting garden!

I will also grow some at my mom's. That is space I am not using.

Also I should cut my roses more. Apparently if you cut your roses they grow better anyway. Every summer I  let those roses climb all over the house and never do a thing with them.

So, big plans for the first half of next year. On many, many different fronts.

It is funny how easy it is to be ambitious in December, you know?

Before the year even starts!

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