Thursday, May 24, 2012
Weed eater
For the last few days I have been digging up my Bishop's Weed. I have written about this Bishop's Weed before. It is not pretty!
However. There is a news flash.
I can eat this stuff!!
Nothing is that bad if you can eat it, say I. And I love the part about how it can be enjoyed "in large quantities." That is how I prefer to enjoy things. Even salad greens. Pennario who used to see humor in everything used to kid me about my vast quantities of salad greens.
Another site I found somewhere said that bishop's weed -- it is also known as Ground Elder, or Giersch in German -- grows everywhere in Germany and kept an awful lot of people alive during World War II. Apparently it grows through bombed-out ruins and everything.
Nothing stops it!
Of course I promptly went lastnight and harvested a basket of bishop's weed and ate it. It had a kind of peppery bite. I have seen it described as like carrot and cilantro. It is part of the carrot family.
I ate it as a salad and then I sauteed some of it in butter to try it that way. And I liked it! Well, there have only been maybe two foods in my life that I have not been wild about. Normally I just love to eat anything.
I was looking up what I wrote about bishop's weed and I have to say, I started laughing at the thought of planting it in Bishop Kmiec's yard.Those would be the wages of closing St. Ann's!
On the other hand why do the Bishop a favor.
Why give him a gift of this wonderful, life-saving plant?
Hi Mary, thank you for reading my post on edible wild plants and for linking back to it. I am glad to hear you had a good experience eating Bishop's Weed. You know, I never got around to cooking it in large quantities. Now I live in the tropics where I am fairly certain it does not grow. Hope you enjoy eating this invasive!