Yesterday after loading up on sausage at the Broadway Market my friend Jane and I went across the street to the Three Deuces and drank Czech beer. Above is a picture of our friend Edward Bergmann, who owns the bar. He is showing off a bottle we admired.
The Three Deuces is called the Three Deuces because of its address, 222 Gibson Street. There is wonderful Czech and Polish beer to be had there. And Edward can be prevailed upon to tell harrowing stories about fleeing the communists in what used to be Czechoslovakia. Yesterday I had a Czech beer and Jane had a Polish beer.
Here is the front window of the Three Deuces.
Edward let us play with his new toy pig.
Ha, ha! That is my Czech beer in the picture. The pig walks down the bar and goes "Oink, grunt, oink, oink, grunt..." It was like me at the Broadway Market, at Malczewski's Poultry! That was not pretty.
Today I am behind with everything because I don't know what it was, but all of a sudden this week, being Leonard Pennario's publicist turned into a full-time job! First there was the business with the Grammys. I have not even gotten around to saying how all that worked out, but it worked out well. Then there was the business of Joey Giambra's movie.
Which reminds me: Joey Giambra called my cell again yesterday, to tell me I screwed up again. Would you believe it? I wrote yesterday that that picture at Founding Fathers was of Dennis Gorski when it is fact of Chester Gorski. I have never heard of Chester Gorski! But that is what Joey Giambra told me.
"I feel as if I am turning into your editor," he added.
Hey, there is nothing wrong with that!
I sure could use one sometimes.
1 comment:
Chester Gorski was from the same shelf life of LBJ. I am showing my age. You are showing your youth.
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