Great excitement at Leonard Pennario headquarters. Here I was all set to write about the new Pilates clothes I bought at Amvets, but that will have to wait. I am in the mood for nothing but fun and games.
This morning we got an email from the eminent British music critic Bryce Morrison. How big an honor is that? I am dying to write back to Mr. Morrison but my brain is all over the place and I have to run to work so I will have to write to him later. He was kind enough to say he would like to review my book for Gramophone magazine. Remember Gramophone? And ends his email by writing: "All the best with your wonderful project."
Wow, how nice of him! See, this is what happens when you write a book about someone exciting, not some schuft. Here is Bryce Morrison's Web site so you do not think I am making all this up.
And now the second exciting thing. Bryce M. mentions that he got onto the blog via Stephen Hough, who corresponds with him.
As my brother George likes to put it, I do not know where to begin to ask questions. That is Stephen Hough pictured above. If you are not into classical music, the deal with him is, he is one of the world's leading concert pianists. He is too big to come to Buffalo but I write about his CDs sometimes at the paper.
You can watch our new friend and fellow Leonard Pennario fan Mr. Hough in action here.
And here is his mighty spiffy Web site.
There are some interesting things about Stephen Hough which would make me think he would like the Leonard Pennario blog. Number one he belongs to the same small and elite group that Pennario does, which is Catholic concert pianists. There are not very many of them, that is for sure! Number two I know from reading about him in the past that Stephen H. shares my preoccupation with the Tridentine Mass. Pennario shared that preoccupation too. We used to sing parts of it to each other.
But still. This morning I keep laughing thinking: I wonder if Mr. Hough and, subsequently, Mr. Morrison wasted their time reading this, or this, or this!
How am I going to get any work done today, thinking about that?
Have a few minutes? Got to Stephen Hough's website and click on, "Washing Dishes, Chocolate, and Erotic Bushes. It is under the category "articles."
This is a very timely and beautiful article. Take the time to read it slowly.
(I tried to send you the link but it just went to the home page.)
I hate to overdue the Hough praise but check out his "My Favorite Things" CD if you get a chance...
How very cool! Even living this vicariously is exciting.
Revel to your heart's content.
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