Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A night of red and white

Today when I went to work I wore my beads from Dyngus Day. It was a lot of fun, filled with folks like the dandy whose picture is up above.

That guy was great! He told me his coat was $7 at Amvets and the trim, which he did by hand, cost him another couple of bucks. 

My friend Lynn and I judged the parade and went out afterwards to the Adam Mickiewicz Library and then to St. Stan's. Today I woke up realizing I had lost my voice owing to yelling over loud polka bands and booing our elected officials at the parade.

One gentleman named Tom said hello to me at the Mickiewicz Library and said he read my Web log. That was so nice!

He said, "I know all about Leonard whatever his name is."

"Leonard Pennario," I prompted him helpfully.

Here is the St. Stan's social hall getting late in the evening.

There is an excellent photo gallery on The Buffalo News' website.

My friend Larry texted me just now asking if I had gotten nailed by the water guns. The answer is no! I hid prudently behind my fellow judge, Tod. Tod is a big guy, well over six feet, and I stayed dry. This one girl in front of me got soaked. They got her right in the seat of the pants. Ha, ha! (As I channel my inner 6-year-old.)

Anyway a lot of fun even if today I talked like Marlene Dietrich. Here is my friend Lynn hoisting a Zywiec.

We drink a toast to next year!

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