Monday, December 30, 2013

Where the wild things are

My niece and nephew got the best stuff from Santa. They got wild animals!

I visited them the other day and their room looks like a jungle. The picture above does not do the lion credit. He is laughable, unphotographable. I mean, the first time I saw him, he looked real!

The leopard came over to see what was going on.

The giraffe poses with his keeper.

To think that when I was a kid I just had an ordinary bear!

The lion is Leo and I think I am going to suggest Leonard for the leopard. In tribute to Pennario over whose discography I have been slaving. Plus there is only one letter difference.

Wow, look, there is another little critter to the right of the giraffe. I think it is a baby giraffe.

It is a jungle out there!

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