Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Piano man

What with all the excitement involving my office supper club, I forgot to mention that Howard was the subject over the weekend of my colleague Donn Esmonde's big Sunday column which is, I will have you know, read by millions and millions of people.

Above is a picture of Howard being interviewed! I took the picture.

It is a perfect picture because Donn Esmonde is the very image of a reporter and Howard is the very image of -- well, what Howard is the perfect image of, I am not quite sure, but whatever it is, I am sure he is the perfect image of it.

For the longest time Howard would not stop playing the piano as Donn was interviewing him. My husband was behaving like a skittish horse. I wanted to poke him and say, uh, Howard, would you stop being such an ass and talk to Donn like a normal human being? When I interviewed Leonard Pennario he sat and talked to me like a normal human being.

Luckily Howard stopped playing of his own accord and the interview proceeded and the result was this masterful column. It is about how Howard helped get the Buffalo Statler Hotel on the road to renovation and good health.

Donn Esmonde said it is a very good story. I began waxing poetic to him and said it was about the power of the private citizen, what you can do when you see something that needs to be done.

Every word of it is true!

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