I loved the comments that appeared on Facebook about the Chartreuse so I am going to reprint them and I hope nobody minds.
Daniel Allen Summerville
Yes..that stuff is nasty...Covered an event, the christening of a wind turbine in Vermont. Apparently monks around there once made it. They smashed a bottle of that stuff at the base. Smelled like something I would never drink....
Tuesday at 9:49am ·

Mary Kunz Goldman
Dan, the stuff actually tastes pretty good. Of course I never met anything with calories I didn't like...
Tuesday at 11:27am ·

Marta Vago
OriginOil, an algae-based "green" technology company, served algae martinis at a reception for investors yesterday. It was also green. Nobody seemed worse off for it, but I abstained, just to be sure. I'm paranoid about green colored drinks.....
Tuesday at 11:40am ·

Panos Fourtounis
Mary, the green Chartreuse as made by the monks at the Chartreuse Monastery in the French Alps, was reputed to be the descendant of the Elixir of Life. It is the only naturally green spirit and it contains upwards of 130 herbal extracts! The best Chartreuse (VEP= Veillissement Exceptionellment Prolongee) is to be enjoyed after dinner, in small quantities with good company. It produces a euphoria like no other, but it cannot be just drunk without preparation!
Tuesday at 12:05pm ·

Panos Fourtounis
Or you can ask for the "Zut Alors" Chartreuse (they will most likely give you the VEP)
We pour it over large ice cubes in a snifter and let the alcohol evaporate a bit. Also, keep in mind the Cartheusian monks who make it, have a very strict vow of silence, which makes it interesting they would produce such a conversation facilitating liqueur!
We pour it over large ice cubes in a snifter and let the alcohol evaporate a bit. Also, keep in mind the Cartheusian monks who make it, have a very strict vow of silence, which makes it interesting they would produce such a conversation facilitating liqueur!
Tuesday at 12:12pm ·

Norman Lebrecht
Alma drank it when she couldn't get Benedictine. She pickled herself in monks' brew.
Tuesday at 2:34pm ·

Melissa Grace
Equal portions of Green Chartreuse and 160 Stoli Rum...flaming...as a shooter = A Flaming Dragon. Nobody rhino-hides the Dragon (actually it's quite delicious, but only have one.)
Tuesday at 4:57pm ·

Stephen Manes
Well I had the green algae martini (see Marta's comment above), and I am still alive 24 hours later—and, I didn't turn green!
Tuesday at 8:00pm ·
What a scholarly conversation! This is me again, talking now.
Who knew that Alma Mahler...
... was a victim of Chartreuse?
But then Chartreuse is made by monks so it has to be all right. We do love our booze in the Catholic Church! That is one of many reasons I am in it. I used to joke with Leonard Pennario about Catholic guilt and stuff, but they do give you your alcohol, so that is one good thing.
As long as it is not Chartreuse!
That is too strong for me (she said piously). A woman's got to know her limitations.
However, that VEP= Veillissement Exceptionellment Prolongee that my friend Panos alluded to?
Perhaps some day.
In good company.
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