Now this was neat. This morning after church I went with my friend Jane to Betty's on Virginia Street. And at the table next to us were two guys. That is Two Guys pictured above. It is a Two Guys that was in New Jersey!
Anyway, these two guys were student types, and they had the bohemian look with scarves, hip spectacles, etc.
And they were talking about philosophy!
I heard the names Hegel ...


and Aristotle.

What about Aristotle Onassis?

There was no talk of him!
Surely being intellectuals they mentioned Leonard Pennario but perhaps that was when I was placing my order because I do not remember that.
The scene made me think of a Schubert song that mentions Kant. It is a beautiful song about looking back on days spent lazing around in the countryside and dreaming and reading.
One nice thing I overheard today: "What do you think of Obama's health plan?" I thought: Well, this is a healthy sign, so to speak. Students who do not take for granted that what Obama does is wonderful.
And this is the best. One of them heaves a deep sigh and he says to the other: "Either you're married and bored, or single and lonely. Those are our only options."
Isn't that tremendous?
You do not know how badly I wanted to take their picture for the Web log.
They were classic!
Back from vacation to an army of contractors who are completely renovating the house inside and out. With a 'pod' to hold my household items, and a big dumpster in the backyard, my available computer time has gone from hours to minutes. Oh my, sometimes life seems so unfair, lol!
When I saw that Schubert Lied though, it became 'break-time', hehe! Wonderful!
Not much stuff left in here now other than this old PC. Getting ready for new paint, floors, windows and doors. Sheesh...
I've been living in a similar state of chaos for almost a year, so I can understand where you're coming from. My problem is, I don't have an army of contractors. For some reason, I'm expected to work on the house myself! Oh, and I didn't have a dumpster. We had to load all of the trash into a U-haul and drive it to the city dump. Talk about unfair!
I live in a permanent state of chaos.
Dang, Ryan, lol! Well, this has been in the planning since May. The outside stuff like roof and more paint will be better on me. The electical contractor just left after getting his material list and the carpenters will be here in an hour or so. PC time! YES! hehe
A feller can get plum addicted to this stuff!
Larry, the Web log is plum addicted to you!
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