Remember Brian James, the legend, the loud and gloating voice? His work is slowly disappearing.
I just heard that WBEN-AM, the talk show station we listen to all the time, has laid off evening host Ron Dobson. Whom Howard and I liked, even though we disagreed with him politically, so I feel bad about that. Dobson was a glorious radio big-mouth and I do not know where he will go now.
Above is a picture Howard took of me receiving the news of Dobson's layoff. The news turned my hair dark, that is how bad it was!
One thing I know, he will not be drowning his sorrows. Dobson, pictured at left, does not drink and he talked about that a lot. Pop is his vice. When Governor Patterson wanted to tax sugar pop, that is when you heard Dobson screaming like a trapped animal. I think he likes Pepsi. I think Pepsi is his thing. It is either Pepsi or Coke, I forget.
I am more of a Coke person myself. I love that spicy Classic Coke taste.
But back to Brian James. Before his death he had recorded this spot they used for Ron Dobson, and it was a classic.
"You know that guy who never shuts up?" he roared in that ferocious voice. "Well.. WE HIRED HIM!"
Now alas.
What are we going to hear at night with Ron Dobson no longer around?
Could I interest WBEN in some Leonard Pennario?
One of the things about Ron Dobson that fascinates me is that he is one of those very rare people that has total recollection of every day of his life. I heard him mention this one time and then I noticed that it seems to be true.
Marilu Henner from the old TV show, Taxi, has that ability as well.
I wish I could do that.
Me, too, Howard, me too
Ron Dobson is a mystery to me but what I do know is that I adore the story which is in the video's Description, of how Pennario came up with that tune in the link, 'March Of The Lunatics'. Fascinating!
Honestly, I would turn the radio to another station whenever he came on. I just never cared for it.
Marilu Henner had great tits! :p
I sorta miss Dobson. He was a likable blow-hard. Kind of like Don from the old Musician Supply days.
Anonymous Bubby, you are free to admire Marilu Henner but I would be grateful if you used more genteel language!
Howard tells me all these stories about Don at Musicians' Supply and they are a riot. I totally agree with you on Dobson. There were times I switched him off, like the previous Anonymous, when he was just ranting and ranting about something I disagreed with. But likable, yes, definitely.
I am shocked, Ricky, shocked that the Marilu Henner comment wasn't removed by the author... and to think I'm so careful about my language. I'd give a million (ok a small fraction of a million) to read the comments that were removed. They must really be memorable.
In defense of Anonymous, he probably simply misread my reference to great "memory" as "mammary".
While Ron Dobson possesses the former, he "lacts" the latter.
I am definitely bummed about Ron not being on at 7. He filled in for Sandy Beach on Tuesday (I think) and for Bauerle this morning. Both times I wasn't able to listen. I miss him. I especially miss hearing about his hamsters!
Both times when I heard him fill in first for Beach and then for Baurle I turned him off again. I don't know, maybe it's because he never really does shut up, and most time his topics seem kind of stupid to me. I turn off Beach and Baurle on occasion, but it's rare when I could handle more than 5 minutes of Dobson's rambling monologues.
I thought he was horrible=I even wrote WBEN-stating couldnt understand how they couldnt do better than him.
I liked Dobson a lot. I thought he was both smart and funny. He was also the only host on WBEN that didn't have some agenda that he was trying to push. You could count on him to take a consistently rational approach when discussing subject matter, whether he sided with the left or the right. He never seemed to buy into the hysterias that the other two quickly grab onto. Beach and Bauerle are okay, but generally they follow Republican talking points and come off a bit too paranoid and agenda driven.
I am glad Dobson is gone. His voice quality was awful and was enough to make me cringe - I'm amazed that he ever got a job on radio in the first place. He didn't belong on WBEN. Maybe he should try out for the pinko liberals on 1520 AM, the Whiner Line station, where his clear liberal political leanings would be more appreciated.
I appreciate everyone's continuing preoccupation with Ron Dobson. I share it! He is on the radio today.
I do agree with one of the comments that he has too many rambling monologues. It is not unusual for Dobson to talk through an entire segment without soliciting any calls. But who does not enjoy a rambling monologue now and then? That's why I have a Web log...
ron dobson wanted to be howard stern..he grew up in long island so i'm sure he listened to him.
i am a big howard fan and it was obvious he ripped off many off his manerisims..anyway, at least he was trying to copy a real talent..something lacking in buffalo radio
That's funny, Anonymous, about Howard Stern, I was just downstairs cooking dinner and laughing about something he had said on his show a few years ago! I used to get a kick out of listening to him back when he was on the radio here. But about Ron Dobson being like him, I doubt that. I think he would hate being likened to Howard Stern.
I think you are great Mary,but ahhh ummm ROb Donson not so much. I myself always screw up the names of those lucky ones I abhore.
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