Yesterday my mother came down with this stomach disorder that was tearing through my brother George's family last thing we knew and now it had her, too. So I stayed overnight with her because she would do the same for me if I needed her to.
That pork butt I wrote about yesterday, it turned out to be a dream deferred!
I like to stay overnight at my mom's because I get to sleep in this bedroom I love. That is the bedroom pictured above. It sure beats my cluttered bedroom in my, ahem, residence, which, I will not even put a picture of that.
Here is another picture of my monastic bedroom at my mother's house that shows you the front window that overlooks the ideal suburban street.
On the night table I keep a biography of Mozart that is my night reading before I go to sleep. Lastnight I was reading about Mozart and that Count Arco who kicked him in the rear. It is a true story!
Next to my book on Mozart my mom has put this picture of my sister Katie and me when we were kids. Guess which one I am! I am on the right.
If you click on the bedroom picture you will get a better look at the pictures on the other side of the bed. They are my mom's and my sister Margie's First Communion pictures!
Behold the view from the bed.
The picture is a famous etching of a couple walking along the Kurfurstendamm. This is the main promenade in Berlin.
At home, as I love to brag, I wear Leonard Pennario's bathrobe, which is Ralph Lauren. At my mom's I wear a Pierre Cardin summer bathrobe that is in the closet. Here I am this morning greeting the day in my Pierre Cardin bathrobe.
Ha, ha! Observe my cell phone charging on the dresser. I have the oldest cell phone known to man. It is something like six years old. I bet all the people who see my number on my blog and call me to talk about Leonard Pennario have no idea that I am talking on a phone that old.
This morning my mom got up and made coffee and ate eggs and she is all well. It is like the Song of Solomon: the rains are over and gone. When I got out in the street it was so beautiful that I took this picture.
Deo gratias for this beautiful day! And thank you St. Joseph. Today is St. Joseph's Day and he is the patron saint of families.
I wonder who is the patron saint of pork butts.
Because that is what I am thinking about again now.
1 comment:
I have to say, that is a terrific picture of such beautiful little girls!!!! I hope the pork butt turned out well and no doubt was delicious!!!!
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