Ay! My jeans are tight on me again. These are these Gap jeans that I may have mentioned. This despite passing up the cookies Eddie tried to stuff into my mouth at the Broadway Market. And eating only one of the chocolates that arrived with my St. Valentine's Day flowers.
What with my braces it was quite an achievement, eating that chocolate. I had to cut it up in tiny pieces with a steak knife. Don't worry, I got through it. Where there's a will, there's a way! But now I am thinking maybe I should not have done that.
Notice how old-time actresses did not have to have toned arms? Look at Rita Hayworth, above. She looks great but you are not allowed to run around any more with soft arms like that.
You have to have arms like Esther Williams.

But you cannot have thighs like Esther Williams!

Leonard Pennario's old flame Liz Taylor, this is a picture of her that is beautiful. It is a snapshot of her greeting him when he arrived for one of their dates!

But you are not allowed any more to have that abdomen thing going. She never had to go to Abs 'n Stretch at the Buffalo Athletic Club where they invite you to test the limits of your abs.
Lucky us, having been born in a different day 'n age! Because of that I have to go on a Buddhist fast, eating nothing but roots 'n dirt.
Alas 'n alack!
Does anyone else find the idea of MKG, who weighs about 95lbs........ and is solid muscle.... concerned about her weight a little funny? Are those Gap jeans a size 0? You crack me up!
Yeah, I agree. I remember her as "long tall Mary" and when I think of my spare tire, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
I have to say that first picture on this post certainly was a definite eye catcher !!!!
The Rita Hayworth picture: She has arms?? Oh yeah, I see them now...
David and Prof. G, I put that picture up just for you! I know how to please my readership. That is for sure!
Mary you DEFINITELY succeeded there!!!!
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