Here is the load of vegetables I picked up yesterday on Woodbridge Avenue. As you can see the situation is hopeless.
Do not fail to notice the Leonard Pennario album in the background! I laughed out loud when I saw it there.
This morning with all this on my mind I was a total minus at Mass. First I got there late because I couldn't find my keys. I got there at the Introit. That never happens, that I am late! I was so mad.
Then I could not focus. Just could not. I had made the mistake when I got up of working on my Pennario sales pitch package for a couple of hours. I am getting a kick out of this pitch, which I am going to use to get myself a six figure advance. I like working on it. So when the alarm went off I jumped out of bed feeling as if it were Christmas, because I had two hours to work on it before going to church.
Hereafter I will have this rule that I cannot work on the book before Mass on Sunday. It turns me into a vegetable. Did I hear the word vegetable? I should not even be uttering that word.
The Mass goes really fast so you have to be on the ball and I was not. The Pater Noster passed without my realizing it. A few weeks ago I lost my place in the Liturgical Year and I do not think I will be able to find it again until Advent starts, whenever that is. So I did not know where we were in the missal. I think I had one coherent thought during the whole Mass and that was when I looked up and admired this one woman's outfit. Duh. La la la la la.
There is one line made for me. It is: "Domine, non sum dignus, ut intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic verbo, et sanabitur anima mea."
You don't have to wade through the whole thing. All that matters is it starts: "Lord, I am not worthy, that you should come under my roof --"
That is for sure!
No wonder I know that line by heart. I did not even have to copy it from my missal.
Speaking of things under the roof, Howard has a new humidor. It is a Jewett humidor. Howard is in love with all things Jewett. At Big Blue we have a Jewett ice box.
The miracle is not that he found this Jewett humidor but that he was able to clear a space in our office to put it. In the process he found a wedding present we had forgotten to open, also an unopened card. This is the land of the lost. Now the humidor sits on a dresser, between last year's phone book and a 1970s pole lamp. Perhaps I will post a picture tomorrow.
That on top of today's picture would be just too frightening.
1 comment:
Comfort yourself with the 2nd part of the quoted latin prayer: "But only say the word and my soul shall be healed."
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