Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Quality meets quantity

So we return, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into A Dollar. 

There are also treasures to be found in the aisle where they have tossed a bunch of books. You have to keep your eyes open in this kind of aisle.

There were kids' coloring books there. I was bummed there were no grown-up coloring books. Well, give them time. There was also a pile of the hardcover Better Homes and Gardens Best Recipes of 2011 for $2.99, in case you need that volume to complete your collection. But here is what I found that I love.

It is Company's Coming Cookies cookbook by this author Jean Pare.

OK, so it is not exactly elegant. They have a bunch of Company's Coming cookbooks. Cookies, casseroles, chicken, I forget what else. I had never heard of this line of cookbooks and I assumed they were just these cheapie little no-name things. But then I opened the Cookies cookbook.

The thing is, our coffee hour at St. Anthony's has been rocking. Every week it seems more people show up. Which is a great thing! And I was thinking, it will be fun to find more cookie recipes suitable for this discerning crowd.

With an emphasis on "crowd." All the cookies in this book not only looked good, but the very first recipe, Gingersnaps, makes 90 cookies. Most recipes seem to make at least four dozen. Many make 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 dozen.

Now you are talking my language! Also I love the retro look and sure enough, this Jean Pare is an old-timer. She was born in 1927 and she is the best-selling cookbook author in Canada. Canadians love to eat and they know what they are talking about when it comes to rich food.

Anyway. All this was mine for $1.29! Look, I have written a couplet.

I am inspired!

My only criticism was when I got it home and was studying it, there were no bar cookies. But now I see why. Googling around I found this.

Back we go into A Dollar.

Got to find that square deal!

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