Friday, July 10, 2015

Our Emily, the golf champ

That is my niece Emily on the left. She is a golf champion! And recently she got this honor at Rutgers. 

You would not know it from me and my Zumba but athletic ability runs in our family. My grandfather on my mother's side was a professional baseball player! He played for the Buffalo Germans. And my brother George is a phys ed teacher. It is funny to walk through Delaware Park with George as I do on a weekly basis. The park, which my colleague Rod Watson knowledgeably called a playground, is full of kids playing soccer and softball and George is always tuned in on a certain level to what is going on. He knows the kids. He knows the refs. Whenever there is a ref's whistle George half turns because he has to see what is going on. He cannot help it!

Ergo Emily. By the way you have to love the name of the other girl. It is Tatum Jackson!

If my name were Tatum Jackson think how different my life would be. For one thing I would be a jazz pianist. Well, a better jazz pianist than I am now.

Imagine if Leonard Pennario had been baptized Tatum Jackson.

Anyway... My deep knowledge of golf can be gleaned from this erudite discussion of the sport. I had better quit while I am ahead.

Remember my prediction about Emily?

It is coming true!

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