Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The good, the bad and the Ugli

 I put up my tree last night and so now I radiate Christmas. It is no wonder it was an amazing day for pre-Christmas presents.

My friend Patrick from church gave me this vinyl album, Christmas with the Oak Ridge Boys. That is it pictured above. It is a classic!

Patrick said, and he is right, that you do not even have to listen to it. Just to own it and be able to look at it is enough. There are some Leonard Pennario albums you could say that about to only with different meaning.

In another magical touch, the mechanic who did my car inspection today and fixed a few things that needed fixing gave me an Ugli Fruit when my car was ready.

Or it may have been a Uniq Fruit. Later I was wondering about this later. I did not want to insult the fruit by calling it Ugli if in fact it was Uniq.

Whatever it was the mechanic did not want it.

"It looks like a brain," he said.

He said another customer had given it to him earlier that day. The customer was some kind of a potter, and he taught kids pottery, and he has an eye toward unusual beauty, such as possessed by the Ugli Fruit. Or the Uniq Fruit. I still do not have it straight.

Now I have my Ugli Fruit and my Oak Ridge Boys Christmas album.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring!

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