Tuesday, October 15, 2013
The gym at the end of the universe
Last night I went to a Zumba class at an unusual gym. It is the Buffalo Athletic Club at Eastern Hills! I almost never go there.
I used to go to that gym all the time back when Howard lived on Transit Road. I had this routine, after work on Fridays I would go out to Transit and decompress by going first to the Salvation Army out on Transit and next to the BAC. Hundreds of times I went to that BAC because this routine carried over a few years.
Then after I converted Howard into an urbanite our routines changed and I never go to that particular club any more. And here is what is funny: They remodeled that Eastern Hills BAC a few years ago and now when I go I no longer recognize a thing there.
"Well," Howard said, "it was a long time ago." And it was.
We are talking, ahem, a decade ago! Before Leonard Pennario. Before everything.
But still. When I say I went to that gym hundreds of times, I mean that literally. It is amazing that they remodeled that place so thoroughly that absolutely nothing is familiar. This other time when I went, a few months ago, I had to ask where the locker rooms were!
I don't even remember where I used to park or even how I used to get to the darn place. Transit Road changes constantly and so different buildings surround the gym than used to.
End result, as we say here in Buffalo: I really enjoyed my trip to the gym yesterday. I love newness when it comes to the gym. Different gym, different class, different teacher. The teacher this time was Patti and here is something I loved: She had hurt her foot and so another teacher was teaching the class, and Patti was Zumba-ing while sitting on a medicine ball!
That is the kind of commitment I admire.
Zumba must be done whether or not you can walk!
One other neat thing, on the way out they gave me a gift of free yogurt. An 8-ounce serving, too. I must have had that lean and hungry look.
A memorable evening!
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