Monday, May 20, 2013

Ghostly musings

Bishop Grosz said our Mass yesterday at St. Anthony's! Above is a picture I took from my usual bird's-eye view from the choir loft.

It was Pentecost Sunday and so he wore red. That is a big Sunday celebrating the Holy Spirit, or the Holy Ghost as I like to put it. I like that Olde English parlance. The Holy Ghost.

We had the Holy Ghost and the Holy Grosz, both in the same church!


You must pardon me. I am still a little punchy from the plague I caught in New York. Sunday morning, driving to church, I realized it was the first time in over a week I was in my car. The Sunday before, I could not get out of bed.

An artist visited my house that Sunday and painted this picture.

The picture is titled, "The Convalescent."


What with getting to church yesterday, Bishop Grosz in his bright red vestments and Howard fixing the kitchen sink, yesterday was a pretty good day. Another thing, the other day I was able to score a new picture of Leonard Pennario, a very rare photo I had no idea existed. With other famous people in it.

That was one good thing at least about spending a week as a convalescent.

I got a lot of work done!

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