Sunday, December 30, 2012

Cookie monsters

We cannot let one more of the 12 Days of Christmas pass without memorializing at least one kitchen disaster from this season.

Ours was minor but vivid. It happened while we were baking at my mom's house. That is a picture above of the occasion. My sister Katie is at right and those are Rosie and Millie in the background. They look like models! In the foreground, little niece Barbara, who loves the camera.

What happened was, someone put cookies into the oven on a tray that it turned out should not go in the oven.

End result, as we say here in Buffalo:

On the bright side because we were at my mom's I could dirty a kitchen that was not mine. We had to clean up afterwards but still. It beat cleaning off my table which was covered with Leonard Pennario clippings and binders, such has been my work schedule lately.

I hope my mom had no plans for that black tray.

Whatever it was for!

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