Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Breakfast of champions

This is what I am making for breakfast today.

Well, at the rate I am going it will probably be for dinner. But still! It will add an exotic note to my day.

"It is based on the Indian dish khichri and comes from the days of the Raj."

I am not totally sure what the days of the Raj were. Ask me about Leonard Pennario and Beethoven, you know? And better still, wait until after I have had my first cup of coffee.

But I do know it refers somehow to British India. A most attractive era! Plus, the word Raj has such a wonderful sound. All I can think of is Rudyard Kipling and books like "The Secret Garden" and movies starring James Wilby.

I Googled "the days of the Raj" and the picture above came up. Which I love! Not only that but it was attached to a fascinating story on curry. That is another dish I will have to make this week. And we will enjoy it with Darjeeling tea.

One more picture of the days of the Raj.

Soon to be re-created in my kitchen!

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