Sunday, August 29, 2010

Green day

Today between going to Latin dancing and going to Latin Mass, I went back to the garage sale I went to yesterday. I asked if they minded if I took pictures and they said no.

They did not mind!

So I snapped away. Above is a picture looking south toward Harlem Road.

Here is a cedar chest in which tops were sorted by size.

The artfully arranged dresser.

I just admire a beautifully appointed garage sale. So many you go to are just thrown together with no prices or anything. This garage sale was different! It was to other garage sales as Leonard Pennario's Chopin Preludes are to anyone else's Chopin Preludes. It was impeccable and the prices, as I confided yesterday, were low.

Here is the clothes line looking back toward the house.

A vertical view was necessary to convey the charm of the handbag and hat display.

A panoramic view of the housewares section. The Park School is visible in the background.

In between taking pictures I bought $30 more worth of clothes and candles and whatnot. Mostly clothes. Why should I lie?

I am listening to that first Chopin Prelude in the link I linked to and I ask you, does it not express the beauty of this day? The sun, the blue skies, the wine I drank while sitting on the back deck with my mom. Sheer beauty, that music is.

Perfect for today.

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