Sunday, January 25, 2009

The power and the glory

Rejoice with me! The numbers are in. And among blogs on Facebook devoted to piano, the ranking of the Leonard Pennario blog is ...

No. 1 !!!!!!!

We are the No. 1 piano blog! You are allowed up to three "tags" to identify your blog. Mine has the tags of "music, piano, humor." I put the "humor" in there so people don't get all upset when I kid around. Well, some people will no matter what. But this is my way of hedging against that happening.

Of all the blogs that have "piano" as one of their tags, we are at the absolute top. The blog in second place is the, ahem, Piano Pedagogy Blog out of Michigan State. They have fewer than half the number of readers we have. They are not even close. (How do they resist spelling blog "blogue," like "pedagogue"? Well, reasons like this are why we are at the top and they are not.)

Words cannot express my happiness and optimism. Here I was worried that the world had forgotten who Leonard Pennario was. Apparently the world has not!

According to Facebook, the Leonard Pennario blog leaves the blog of Jeremy Denk...

... and Emanuel Ax ...

... behind in the dust. I am not saying they are not fine pianists. I am just saying.

As far as "music" and "humor" go we are in the top 50, worldwide. That is pretty good too. I rank No. 31 in music and No. 32 in humor, or maybe it is the other way around. Those are competitive categories, too. Music encompasses pop as well as classical.

So thank you, everyone, who has responded to my shameless pleas to join my blog network on Facebook or who has signed up here as a Follower. We boast five followers as of press time today. Well, one of them is me. But that number will grow.

Meanwhile, looking at Emanuel Ax's picture reminds me of something.

Doesn't it crack you up when people are talking to you about a famous musician and they use the person's nickname? Every time someone says "Manny Ax" to me it is hard for me not to start giggling.

"Josh Bell." You get that one a lot, too.

There is this friend of mine, Steve Baker. He used to be in charge of public relations for the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra and now he is with the Seattle Symphony. See that picture up at the top of today's post? That is Seattle. That is where Steve Baker is now.

I get a big kick out of Steve Baker and he knows it so he will not mind if I tell this story. I have to tell it. I'm sorry.

Once when Steve worked in Buffalo he and I were talking and he said something about "Gerry Schwartz." That is Gerard Schwartz who is the conductor of the Seattle Symphony.

What about St. Gerard's?

Where was I? Oh, yes, Steve, talking about "Gerry" Schwartz. I could not let him get away with that.

"Steve," I interrupted him. "Gerry Schwartz? Gerry?"

"Yes," he said. "Gerry Schwartz said that --"

"Gerry!" I said. "Listen to you, Steve! Gerry Schwartz." And I would not let up. Until finally he started laughing too.

I miss Steve in Buffalo. We had fun.

Maybe I'll look him up on Facebook and get him to join my blog network.


  1. Don't get too big a head. I see where you went unranked among blog dealing with mice in bedrooms.

  2. We're just back from one of our occasional weekends in Seattle, where we have Seattle Opera season tix. When we subscribed we told them we like to sit close, and they gave us the most amazing tix, front row, dead center, immediately behind the conductor. We can NEVER give them up. Anyway, last night it was The Pearl Fishers, and the conductor was ... you guessed it ... Gerry. I spent three hours staring at the back of his head!

  3. Hi Mary! Thanks for sharing your fantastic news with us. Hugs
