Lastnight I went to a Christmas party. Note to out-of-towners: In Buffalo, the holidays do not end with the twelfth day of Christmas. In Buffalo, the holidays continue unabated!
The party was at the home of our friends Dick and Decoda. Luckily I did not drink so much red wine that I was unable to take pictures. Above is a picture I took of Dick and Decoda although they are partially obscured by the flowers. We will show more pictures of Dick and Decoda in a minute.
First, here is Jackie Jocko at the piano.
Here is Tom Diina at the piano.
Here is my brother George and legendary drummer Joe Peters.
Former county executive Joel Giambra was lucky enough to have Howard's ear.
Speaking of Giambras I regret that I missed snapping trumpet ace Joey Giambra, who was also there. Well, I will see him soon because he is going to be making a sequel to his documentary "La Terra Promessa," about Buffalo's Italian immigrants. And he is going to be interviewing me about Leonard Pennario.
I also wish I had photographed Mark Goldman, Buffalo's unofficial mayor. He was also there! But let us continue.
Howard played drums, coached by legendary drummer Joe Peters.
In addition to Christmas we celebrated Dick's birthday.
Here is a picture of Decoda I liked that was on the piano.
Here is Decoda socializing. Dick is visible at left.
Here is another picture of Decoda working the crowd. Dick is in the middle.
Joe Cipolla, the great ballet dancer, is at left with the big smile on his face. In the summer he is a beach buddy of mine. It is a nightmare, going to the beach with a great dancer because you have to figure all they see all the time are people with great bodies. But I go anyway.
People got cozy at this party. At right in this picture you can see Erna Eaton, former society editor of The Buffalo News, and, at far right, chanteuse Ruth Killeen, from whose penthouse you can watch Mercy Flight in operation.
And here is a picture of my new friend Reggie. Reggie is going to be there Wednesday at E.B. Green's when we celebrate Jackie Jocko's birthday. Jocko is turning 80! Reggie is the one with the big smile on her face. It was impossible not to smile at this party!
Unfortunately, unlike most of the country, I have to go to work today.
It is perfectly possible not to smile this morning, I will say that!
My only "encounter" with Jackie Jocko, and even that was from a distance, came at -- of all places -- Buffalo Raceway. I made one of my infrequent visits to the establishment. After one of the races, it was announced that the horse had won "The Jackie Jocko Pace." Jackie was there to present a trophy to the winner.
No doubt the winner finished in 4/4 time.
Great Jocko story, Budd!
I just found this blog. Great! I wish I could give Jackie Jocko a big belated Birthday hug. Also, Joe Peters. This is a friend from years gone by, Jay Pearson in Reno, NV
Jay, thanks for the nice message! Howard and I are going to see Jocko tonight and we will write down your name and tell him hello for you.
Please do not be a stranger! We write about Jocko all the time here on the Leonard Pennario Web log.
Thank you so much. I've wondered so many times what he is doing. This is like an answered prayer. I will keep watch now with your blog.
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