Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stand facing the parking lot

Ow ow ow ow ow!

That was me at the ortho yesterday. They worked on me for over an hour! This is good news because number one, I want to feel my teeth moving, and number two, if there is one thing I like in life it is being surrounded by a team of professionals, all of them concentrating on me.

At one point I looked up and there were three faces peering into my mouth. What was happening was, I was getting a whole new wire on my lower teeth. I had to have new cement and everything. There were a lot of commands of: "Bite! Squeeze!"

Good thing I had my fun then because now I cannot bite at all. This morning I was up at 6 cooking split pea soup because that is suddenly my favorite food.

With which, I am thinking of tailgating tonight before the Stephen Manes concert.

Stephen Manes is my piano teacher -- or was, before he ruined my life by moving to California last fall. He moved to California the same time I went there to be with Leonard Pennario, only Stephen went to Los Angeles while I was in San Diego. Anyway, Stephen is back now for a week and he is giving a concert at UB tonight. He is playing fantasies by Mozart and Schubert and also he is tackling Schumann's "Kreisleriana." Yesterday he told me he only just now learned it. So that should be something to hear.

You do not normally tailgate before classical piano concerts but I would like to do it because then I can bring my split pea soup along in a thermos. That is what I thought at first, anyway. Then my mind began soaring and now I am dreaming of making all this Martha Stewart stuff. Maybe I will ask my friend Michelle if she would like to tailgate. She is going with me to the concert.

My friend Jane is the ultimate tailgater. She goes to Bills games every week so she is in practice. Jane went with some gay guys to Gay Bingo at St. John's Grace a few weeks ago and they tailgated. Aren't Episcopal churches wild? Catholic churches would never hold Gay Bingo.

If you can tailgate before Gay Bingo you can tailgate before a piano concert.

Would anyone mind if I wore Zubaz pants? And grilled up some ribs?

I might be able to chew those ribs.

Where there's a will, there's a way.


  1. Darn...I am reading this too late in the day to prepare a proper piano tailgate! However, it is something to consider for the future. Here are some suggested items that we can include in our tailgate:

    Veuve Cliquot
    caviar with melba toast rounds
    assorted fruits and cheeses
    raw asparagus and jicama for dipping in hummus
    grilled lobster salad
    grilled vegetables
    strawberries dipped in dark chocolate
    vodka gimlets, chilled
    Does this sound OK?


  2. What happened to yesterday's post?
